The latest iteration of the NDSA Storage Survey Working Group is starting up soon. This longitudinal survey has been run three times, with the last survey published in 2019. If you are interested in participating in this group please read the scope of work and complete this form by July 21, 2023.

It is expected that work for the survey will start in August 2023 and end about 6-10 months later, with the group meeting about twice monthly. Work would also be done between meetings to review the survey questions and results, and to write a final report. We especially welcome participation from international NDSA members and members who have not previously participated in NDSA groups.

By volunteering, Working Group members agree to follow the NDSA Code of Conduct

Survey Scope of Work:

  • Review past surveys, possible redesign for this iteration
  • Develop 2023 survey
  • Survey deployment
  • Data analysis and research
  • Writing final report

If you have questions, please contact:

Sibyl Schaefer, 

Please complete this form by July 21, 2023 to indicate your interest in participating.


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