Staffing Survey Working Group

The Staffing Survey Working Group is starting back up in 2025 to gather updated data on digital preservation staffing practices. The 2025 survey will build off the previous surveys, with a redesign of the survey to incorporate new areas for data collection.

Previously Published Surveys

Get Involved

If you are interested in working on this round of the Staffing Survey, fill out this form.

Scope of work for 2025

  • Review 2021 Staffing Survey questions and report
  • Develop a set of survey questions for 2025
  • Deploy 2025 survey
  • Review and analyze results
  • Write a final report based off of the 2025 survey responses

Timeline for 2025 Staffing Survey

  • Late Spring - Early Summer 2025: Review prior studies and design survey
  • Late Summer - Fall 2025: Conduct survey
  • Fall - Winter 2025: Analyze survey results, write up analysis, potentially share preliminary results
  • Early 2026: Share finalized survey results and dataset on OSF
  • Fall 2026: Present final results at relevant conferences

Working Group Members for 2025

  • Rachel Appel (co-chair) (rappel at upenn dot edu)
  • Hannah Wang (co-chair) (hannah dot wang at nara dot gov)